HI!! I’M SAM :)

I’ve got your back

I’m an ‘ex’ corporate banker, customer experience manager, senior financial advisor, financial wealth plannerturned

Financial Literacy Advocate

And Now? I’m on a MISSON to bring you a next generation experience in addressing all your personal finance and money related needs.


living life to the fullest

NO SHAME in the money game

being a human BEing first!

knowing your numbers

Some things

I’ve learned:

Financial Accreditations
& Certifications

🎓 Financial Planning | Registered Financial & Retirement Advisor (RFRA®)

🎓 Mutual Funds | Canadian Investment Funds

🎓 ETFs | Exchange Traded Funds

🎓 Insurance | Life Licensed Qualifying Program (LLQP)

{excluding the countless number of continuing education courses of course😆}

Traditional Education

🎓 Bachelor of Management {B.Mgt}

  • Major in Marketing

  • Minor in: Communications + Economics (LOL yes, you read that correctly; it’s “simply” because my University didn’t offer Econ as a Major 😅

  • NCCP (National Coaching Certification: Sport)

🎓& some fun facts, about young Sam! When I was a wee one:

  • I went to a German school K-6, every weekend; I even won 2 essay writing contents in Gr.6, one in English + 1 in German

  • I went to an Art-Centered Learning school for Junior High (I’ve always been a creative!)

  • I went to a high-performance sport school for Soccer in High School


Fun Fact #ONE

Meet my ladies!

Athena and Cleopatra: equally cute as they are sassy, and my whole world.

Fun Fact #TWO

Obsesssssssed with coffee

accurate statement, or understatement?🤣 I don’t even have a go-to because I’m always in a different mood! BUT always half-sweet

Fun Fact #THREE

Yoga changed
my life

Retired soccer player turned ‘spin & yin’ obsessed; total body AND soul transformation. Now, I’m currently working on completing my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training.

Where to Next?